SOP: Elastic Inspection Procedure

 1.0 Purpose

To ensure appropriate and quality full elastic supply in bulk.

2.0 Scope

This process applies to all types of elastic received in the Organization.

3.0 Responsibilities

Quality Supervisor/Auditor/ inspector in Store.

4.0 Process

4.1 collect 10% elastic from whole lot randomly.

4.2 Expiry date must be mentioned on elastic and need to check expiry date is ok.

4.3 Ensure elastic is latex free with lab text.

4.4 check for elasticity with approval.

4.5 Check for color standard with approval in approved light box.

4.6 make a pillow inside 10% elastic collected from received lot, send to wash.

4.7 Check for shrinkage and ensure 100% elastic is washed before bulk if required.

4.8 Keep the test report with mockup for further reference for at least 6 months.

4.9 If ok proceed for bulk, if not ok take action or return to supplier.

5.0 Reference

5.1 JEx-QA-FO-039 Trims & accessories inspection report

7.0 Definition

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