Customer or third party's property control.

Generally an organization operates among 3 individual party
1. 1st party/ client/ Buyer
2. 2nd party/ Organization itself
3. Supplier/ External facility provider.
During operational activities with these context some time organization has to handle their properties.
our today's discussion is Customer or 3rd parties property handling procedure.

     1.0  Purpose
     The purpose of this procedure is to provide a guidelines to all the employees of an organization about defining the requirements for controlling, using and protecting property owned by customers, suppliers or subcontractors. Such property includes materials, product, equipment and tooling, as well as intellectual property.

      2.0  Scope
      This Process applies to all the sections/ department of an organization.

      3.0 Responsibilities
      Respective department head will be responsible to maintain this procedure.

       4.0    Process 
       4.1 An organization normally works with items provided by customers, suppliers or subcontractors.
       These may include:
1.1.1  List types of Customer & External party’s property here; typically include: 
1.1.2  Products 
1.1.3  Tooling 
1.1.4  Measurement equipment 
1.1.5  Machine Intellectual property, such as drawings, specifications 
4.2  For “hard” property (physical items) these are identified with the customer name and any applicable identifiers. Where deemed appropriate, such property may be physically secured in locked, limited-access areas. 

4.3 If the property requires calibration and/or preventive maintenance, the responsibilities and methods for such will be negotiated with the customer and documented   

4.4  If the amount of Customer & External party’s property stored in-house becomes significant, QMS will develop and maintain a log of customer property to maintain an accurate inventory. Such Customer & External party’s property shall be preserved as if the items were owned by master simex in accordance with the procedure. 

4.5 For “soft” property (intellectual property, documentation, software, etc.) these are maintained to ensure ongoing legibility and good condition. 

4.6 Electronic versions of customer-provided intellectual property are maintained on secure, backed-up company servers. 

4.7 In all cases, damage or loss of customer property will be promptly reported to the customer for disposition or instructions. 

5.0 Reference
Issue Log /context of org QMS/03/010

6.0 Definition

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